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A Practical Guide to Adding Admins and Managing Page Roles on Facebook


Effective Facebook page management is not just about content; it's about orchestrating a digital experience. Page roles play a pivotal role in this, determining who holds the reins in your digital realm. In this guide, we'll walk you through the practical steps of adding admins and managing roles on your Facebook page.


Whether you're a business, community, or individual, understanding how to navigate Facebook page roles is crucial. This guide takes a hands-on approach, providing practical steps to empower you in effective page management.

Understanding Facebook Page Roles

Facebook offers a variety of roles, each with its own set of powers. From the omnipotent Admin to the meticulous Moderator, these roles define who can do what on your page. Let's link these roles to specific responsibilities to lay the groundwork for practical application.

Adding a New Admin to Your Facebook Page

Step 1: On Facebook, navigate to your Facebook Page. Then, click on “Professional dashboard”.

Step 2: Click on "Page access" from the left-hand menu.

Step 3: In the "Manage and view access" section, click on the “Add New” button. Click “Next” in the pop up window.

Step 4: Enter the new admin's name or email. Select the person from the list that appears.

Step 5: Click "Add" and enter your account password for confirmation.

Step 6: Now navigate to Meta Business Manager. To do so, click on your page’s profile icon in the top right corner to reveal the dropdown menu. Click on “Meta Business Suite”.

Step 7: Business Manager will open in a new tab. Click on “Settings” from the left-hand menu.

Step 8: In the "Users" section, under “People” you will see a notice stating that a new person has access to your Facebook page but is not part of the Business Account. Click on the button “Add person”.

Step 9: A pop up window will appear. Enter the new admin’s email address, then click “Next”.

Step 10: Scroll down to “Full control” and next to “Everything” click on the dropdown menu to select “Manage”. 

Step 11: Assign the business asset by making sure the correct Facebook page is selected.

Step 12: Click “Send Invitation

Congratulations, you've just added a new admin to your Facebook page. This step is crucial for expanding your digital team and sharing responsibilities.

Setting Up Editor and Moderator Roles

Now, let's explore the roles of Editors and Moderators.

Step 1: On Facebook, navigate to your Facebook Page. Then, click on “Professional dashboard”.

Step 2: Click on "Page access" from the left-hand menu.

Step 3: In the "Manage and view access" section, click on the “Add New” button. Click “Next” in the pop up window.

Step 4: Enter the new editor or moderator's name or email. Select the person from the list that appears.

Step 5: Choose the desired role (Editor or Moderator) from the dropdown menu.

Step 6: Click "Add" and confirm with your password.

Balancing authority and restrictions for Editors and Moderators is key. Editors can assist in content creation, while Moderators handle engagement and community management.

Managing Existing Page Roles

To maintain a dynamic admin team, you need to know how to manage existing roles.

Step 1: On Facebook, navigate to your Facebook Page. Then, click on “Professional dashboard”.

Step 2: Click on "Page access" from the left-hand menu.

Step 3: In the "Manage and view access" section, next to the team member’s name, click on the 3 dots to expand a dropdown menu. Click on either “Edit tasks”, “Change access levels” or “Remove access” depending on the modification you want to make.

Step 4: Adjust the role as needed, click the “Update Access” button, and confirm changes with your password.

Regularly reviewing and modifying roles ensures your admin team is responsive to the evolving needs of your audience.

Congratulations, now you are equipped with the skills needed for seamless Facebook page role management. Having professional Facebook advertising experts, like Wessel Media, at your disposal to maximize marketing efforts will go a long way. Knowing how to add and manage page roles is therefore an important first step to your campaigns’ success.


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